One leg was not in the right position, she had an elbow hung up. My DH helped reposition her and then assisted with the next contraction and she popped right out. Mom did everything right after years of experience. She let my husband dry Derby off and she just remained lying down and resting.
My DH was sure that she was a colt but I said that she was a filly. He finally ripped the sack off of her hind quarters and looked, I was right.
These first two pictures were taken right after Derby was born, when she first found her feet.

These next pictures were taken today at one and a half days old. Excuse the muddy stall and foal. We had so much rain over the weekend that the barn and stall are flooded.
This was an unauthorized breeding and normally an "oops" baby is stunningly colored but poor Derby is just Bay with a large star and white on all four feet. It has been suggested that perhaps Jazz, our Appaloosa Stallion, was trying to disguise the fact that he is the father.
Sissy, the mother, is an AQHA or Quarter Horse mare. I did wonder if maybe she had gotten with Badger (our AQHA Grullo Stallion) instead since this mare has always produced loudly blanketed foals from Jazz.
Then my Husband discovered white hair on Derby's rump. Nice try, Jazz!
Derby won't stay this color. Jazz is a 100% color producer, so if his babies are born solid or nearly solid like Derby is, then they roan and always end up being roan with spots.
She is a beauty!
How cute. We just had 2 baby goats.
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