Thursday, July 2, 2009

A Little Better

I am somewhat better, I was much better yesterday but went back to somewhat better today. I got outside and did a few things yesterday. I milked all three goats. Cleaned out the buckling's doghouse, gave the bucklings their bottles and then we had to reburn one of Calico's buckling's horns that we didn't do a great job on the first time around.

We also had to reburn both of the horns on the spotted buckling that I am keeping and one of the horns on his twin brother. Those horns were not our fault, they were done by someone else.

I milked Paris for the first time last night. She wasn't fond of the idea but I got through it. Her milk is like Collette's it is naturally homogenized, it had hardly any cream on it at all after sitting untouched in the refrigerator over night. But her milk is also like Collette's in the fact that it isn't as sweet tasting as Calico's.

I have decided to sell Paris and keep Collette, mainly because Paris' teats are just a little too small to hang onto when hand milking. My little milking gadget works great on her but when it comes time to strip her out, it isn't quite as easy.


The Old Gray Egg said...

What is your little milking gadget? There are days that I end up with milk all over my palm and dripping down my wrist, too.

Jiller said...

Glad to hear you are feeling a little better! Don't push yourself too much, give your body and chance to heal and recharge!


Pintura Springs said...

I blogged about my Easy Goat Milker in June of 2008. Here is the link.

I will try to get some new pictures and maybe post about it again with pictures of the SS pan that I use.

Thanks, Jiller, I am still improving, if I could just get over this cough.

Country Gal At Heart said...

I am so sorry you were so sick. Hope you are feeling better. I really enjoy reading your stories. (I am getting almost as attached to them as I am to my soap. Ha) I am going to read about your milking gadget.
