These two pictures were taken a couple of weeks ago.

This picture was taken a couple of days ago.

Is she bred or just fat? I thought she was bred 6 months ago and stopped milking her, so I have lost confidence in myself. I thought I felt movement months ago, her ligs feel loose but she has no udder or changes in her udder, no swelling or puffiness on her tail end. If she is bred, it was an oops breeding because the Buck got in with her. I know he was with her in December but I thought she was already bred at that time.
If she was bred in Dec she would be due April or May... If she has went 6 months then she couldn't have been breed six months ago unless you have a very unusual goat! My guess is sometime in early May.
Gosh thats just hard to say...I have a girl who looks like that year round. Always kids when I expect her too and is still the same size when she is done. Just 2weeks ago she gave me triplets. They just gotta keep you guessing though! Sometimes you can feel a foot from the side, but that can fool you. Bout the time you give up and quit thinking about it, you will walk out and find a passle of babies. :)
But unfortunately he got with her a couple of times before December as well. I never saw him breed her and I never know when she is in heat.
I bred my other doe on December 13th and she looks puffy on the tail end already that is why I became suspicious about whether this doe is even bred.
Dec 13th would make her or your other goat due 5/12/10. Looks like she is going to make you crazy! It seems, to know if they are or aren't, is a goat owners bane! lol Good luck!
She reminds me of an Angus cow we once had. She always looked huge whether she was pg or not. We called her Saddlebags!
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